Thursday, November 20, 2008


Me and my partner have just open a new online boutique. Do give so comment :-D!

Simpli-cious Online Boutique
Simpli-cious Online Bouique

Do send email with comment to me..

Friday, July 25, 2008

This is my Room.... is actually very big.. like last time the UTM master bed room with CT and JT... welcome to visit my house if u step by melaka...

This is the small living room.... although is little bit messy.... cause a lot of thing to pack..... really a lot of thing.. i now understand one thing... the thing that can be used by one person is actually very very little.. but why we still have so so so many thing.. hehe... so girl... next time when we want to buy anything do think about this...

this is the dining room..
is also quite big... but seem like empty empty.. cause i didnt cook...
too many thing to take k in a house...

and this is the living room... the lovely living room..... there are 2 type of light... White and Yellow... I like the Yellow one.. is romatic... haha.... and when the night comes, with the music... is relaxing... the air here is very fresh... is actaully just beside the foot of the hill... if there is a rain at night.. when u stand outside, it will be like Cameron or Genting.. haha.... so u can enjoy.. stimboat at Cameron at my house.... BBQ in the little winter also can o...

Want to view more on the house... visit my house la.... haha.. but now still messy o.... give me some time to pack la... som

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Story On Subsidy

讓我說個農場的故事﹐讓你知道什麼是國陣說的"津貼"。。。在一個農場裡﹐每天可以生產10粒蘋果。農場裡有5個工人和 1個場主﹐總共 6個人。他們每天一人吃一粒蘋果﹐就足夠維持農場裡的運作﹐所以還有剩下4粒蘋果。場主把這4粒蘋果賣了﹐一粒RM10。結果賺了 RM40。場主把這RM40拿來提昇農場裡的所有設施﹐設備﹐但是一天最多也需要RM25罷了。多出的RM10就拿來發給5個工人﹐每人有 RM2。還有RM5拿來當作自己的盈利。日子這樣下去﹐這個農場就變得很先進而且工人的住宿和環境都是一流的。5個工人也存了一筆錢。但是不久這個好場主去世了﹐來了個新場主。新場主說﹕"我們要提昇農場素質﹐要有一流的思維。現在你們吃的蘋果﹐需要給RM1.00。但是你想想﹐這是很便宜的﹐你去外面買蘋果一粒要 RM10叻﹗"工人沒辦法﹐就繼續做工和每天給 RM1.00 來吃他們以前每天吃的免費蘋果。結果他們現在每天只得到 RM1.00。現在﹐新場主還是把多餘的 4粒蘋果拿去賣﹐賺了RM40﹐還是像從前一樣﹐RM25拿來提昇設施﹐RM10就拿來發給5個工人﹐RM5拿來當作自己的盈利﹐再來﹐現在那5粒蘋果他賣給工人﹐賺了RM5.00。現在他共有每天RM10.00盈利。不久﹐蘋果售價突然大漲了一倍﹐外面售價 RM20一粒。現在新場主還是把多餘的 4粒蘋果拿去賣﹐大賺了 RM80。農場的設施提昇工程現在換了是新場主的朋友承包。新場主的朋友說﹐蘋果售價大漲﹐設施提昇工程的費用也要漲價了﹐變成 RM50。其實真正費用才RM30﹐新場主把多出來的 RM20和他的朋友平分。現在新場主有﹐RM10 (和他的朋友平分的提昇工程費)RM20 的盈利(RM80-RM50-RM10=RM20)RM5 的賣蘋果給自己員工賺的錢。總共是RM35.00。比起以前的RM10﹐新場主多賺了RM25.00﹗!哇﹗﹗﹗暴利叻﹐蘋果售價突然大漲﹐農場賺多了 RM25.00。但是工人還是每天只賺取RM1.00。但是﹐貪心的新場主卻招來 5位員工﹐對他們說﹐"你們看看﹐蘋果現在的市場售價是 RM20 一粒﹐但是你們卻用 RM1.00來買一粒蘋果﹐你看你們多幸運﹗""我就辛苦了﹐我需要津貼你們每人 RM19.00﹐總共 RM95.00 來給你們蘋果吃啊﹐你看農場的津貼負擔多麼的重﹗""農場真的很辛苦了﹐再這樣下去﹐農場會破產﹐倒閉。現在我賣你們每粒蘋果 RM1.50 吧﹐我辛苦一點來津貼RM18.50。"那麼現在新場主的暴利又增加了﹐RM20 + RM10 + RM7.50 = RM37.50。又賺多了RM2.50。這 RM2.50是從哪裡賺來的﹖就是從自己工人的口袋賺來的。現在我問你們﹐比起當蘋果還沒暴漲前和暴漲後﹐農場主變辛苦了還是變有錢了﹖之前﹐RM10.00﹐之後﹐RM37.50。這麼簡單﹐你不是看不明白吧﹖場主說津貼很辛苦﹐有嗎﹖他有從他自己口袋拿出那個他所謂的 RM95 的蘋果津貼嗎﹖農場有因為津貼而破產嗎﹖他現在比起之前賺多了 3.75倍﹗會破產嗎﹖所以說﹐別被主流媒體的"津貼論"騙去了。國陣成員說國家會破產﹐你相信了嗎﹖國陣政府從以前一直以來都沒有從口袋裡拿出"津貼"來給我們。說 520億汽油津貼﹐哪裡來的﹖這筆錢從來都沒有出現過﹗現在國陣政府起油價﹐其實就是伸手進我們的口袋來搶我們的錢。你認命嗎﹖你就這樣站著給它伸手進你的口袋拿走你的錢嗎﹖

Friday, January 11, 2008

Got Key lo....

Our New house got Key lo...
but currently still wanting for the contrator to go and repair the un-conformance item...

The Grill is in Process...
and after that the alarm will be in-place...

we plan to put a "Palse" CCTV outside our house to scare the Theif.. haha...

all the F/F will wait until the house is ready then only we buy..
and we will buy partcially first...
too much money too spent... :-P

i have a piece of land beside.... May anyone suggest what to plant??
Note: Must be Easy Maintain.. Haha..

Later take some photo.. :-D....
Stay Tune......

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year To All my Dearest Fren.....

My Wish.... I will Double Check with this when the year ending... in December 2008....

1) My House will be a complete house to stay in... should same as my design... Yeah!
2) I Go Back Home on 6pm everyday after work .....
3) I go exercise everyday.. i make me fresh and happy...
4) Travel Destination in 2008:
5) One Year time to see the future of mine. to decide.
6) add one investment tool.
7) etc... still compiling....